Friday, April 4, 2008

Didn't want to do it.....


Today I went double stroller shopping, this is something that I was hoping I would not have to buy.  We have a
great stroller already that I love, and I purchased it because I didn't like any of the double strollers that I had looked at.  That being said I went to segal's this morning in search of a double stroller.  I thought that I knew what I wanted, but after looking at it and lifting it, my mind quickly changed.  The Graco Quattro Tour Duo (what I originally wanted)weighed in at almost 40lbs.  It was incredibly long, and very bulky when folded.  On to my second option Phil and Ted's Sport Double, started out seeming much better it was about 15 pounds lighter, folded much more compact and seemed to not take up quite as much room in my car, but it was also drastically more money and I wasn't so in love with it that I wanted to spend that much.  So I asked the sale man if there were any favorites.  He then showed me the ONE, I mean this stroller is everything that I had on my criteria list and more.  It folds compactly, was a reasonable weight to be lifting in and out of the car, and it could hold 2 children up to 45 pounds.  Now here comes the best part it's also a jogging stroller.  I was sold!  He goes to see if they have any in stock(it's a popular stroller for parents with multiple children) they didn't have any.  Okay not a big deal when are you getting more in?  He tells me,"about a month, and there is a waiting list, but you might try and find one online."  Okay so I leave Segal's fully confident that I will be able to find one online.  Wrong!  Every place I check, is out of stock, but they all have great reviews of parents who love their stroller.  Finally I call the manufacture, they send me in the direction of a company in California that always has them in stock.  Needless to say the much needed double stroller will be arriving soon.  I can hardly wait to get it!  I'm still not 100% sold on the idea of having a double stroller, and I think that it will be a phase of life that we pass by very quickly, but for now it's the phase we are in.


Stephanie said...

Looks like an AWESOME stroller. Let me know how you like it...

Hope all of you are well!!


Laura said...

You're gonna love it! :) Trust me, hands free, bjorn free life is good!