Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Thought of the Day

If a cinder block can be weightless in space, would you want to kick it with your bare foot?

Today, I started doing things on my to-do list. Since we are going to be gone for a long period of time, Luke and I thought it would be a wise idea to have our mail forwarded. After looking into this today, on USPS web page, we have decided not to. I’m sure most of you are unaware that it’s almost 12.00 a week to have your mail sent to a different address. What I would like to know is why? When you move, and you have your mail forwarded to the new address, it is free. Why is having the same service done for only a short amount of time so much more expensive? I guess that I will just chalk this up to another wonder of the world an move on. I don’t really have the time to think about such things.

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