Monday, May 14, 2007

Only 45 days left

That’s right we will be leaving on sabbatical in 45 days. I’m very excited, but I have also started to make the first of many to do lists. I hope that as time goes on they will only get shorter.

I’m also going to add a thought/quote of the day every day until we leave for our trip. I thought this would be a fun way to pass the time. Of course I will still add any new or exciting information as it happens.

I hope that Mothers Day was a wonderful and relaxing day for all the Mothers. I enjoyed Mothers Day more this year than past years. I think I enjoyed the day so much because Morgan actually knew what Mothers Day meant (in a 3year old sort of way) so she was on her best behavior all day long. Why she can’t manage to do this everyday I don’t know. I guess that it would mean my job as a mom was done. Which I don’t think is ever the case.

I will leave you with the thought of the day:

Why is it that when you’re driving and looking for an address, you turn down the radio?

1 comment:

Kristin said...

"Why are you leaving me????!"
My Big Fat Greek Wedding

Just kidding :-) I know it will be good for you guys to have some extended time as a family, we're just gonna miss you like crazy!~~wait, that's a song from the 80s, albeit a bad cheesy 80s song.

Anyway, I think you turn down the radio when looking for an address because you don't want to be distracted?? I know I have a hard enough time finding a new place. I don't need my favorite song to come on the radio, encouraging me to sing along.