Monday, March 9, 2009

It's A Boy

I had no idea what those words meant when my doctor told me.  I was about 14 weeks pregnant with Isaac, and still getting used to the idea of having another baby.  Both Luke and I were so excited to find out we were going to be adding a boy to our family of girls.  Well, over a year later I now know what It's A Boy truly means.  It means:
  1. If I can climb it I will, it doesn't matter if it's not meant to be climbed on.
  2. I will go to extreme lengths to get my hands on any thing electronic.
  3. I have a temper when I don't get my own way, and I will let you know I'm unhappy about it.
  4. I can be 100% naughty, and 100% cute all at the same time
  5. Daddy thinks that everything I do is hilarious, no matter how dangerous it is.
  6. I have an extremely large fascination with sticks, plungers, and the garage, if you tell me I can't have any of those items please re-read number 3.
We love Isaac so much and he is the biggest blessing, but seriously he make the girls look easy.  I never believed my friends with boys, I thought my girls are busy.  Well, it's not the same.  So to all of you ladies out there in house holds of all boys you deserve a round of applause.


Anonymous said...

Oh my darling Katie! I love you so much and it really touches my heart to read your blog! Issac may be all boy, but wait until you have to buy those prom dresses for Morgan and Olivia!!


Janey said...

oh, I have to say that boys are much easier - the emotions are black and white and on or off. Girls are so emotional - and they get more emotional and complex in their feelings.

But we will see what this next girl brings for us. At this point the boys are just so straightforward and physical in their interests.

Stephanie said...

gosh he is SO stinkin' cute!! and yes, he is ALL boy, too! you're doing a great job!

Laura said...

thanks for the applause my friend! :) Isaac is just normal! :)