She attended "camp" for the first time. When I say camp I mean, I dropped her off at 10am and was back to pick her up at noon. She loved it! It was a dance camp, and at the end of this week all the kids put on a little performance for the parents.
Has been using the big girl potty with more frequency. She also is telling us when she has to go/gone. To all of you out there reading this who don't have kids you won't understand just how big of a deal this is. Having two children in dippers in a major pain, not to mention dippers are not cheep.
He was able to sit up in the shopping cart on our latest trip to Costco. I did have to put a receiving blanket around him, but he loved it! I don't think that I have ever see him smile more at the store!
I held my first garage sale with a friend this weekend. It was a lot of work, but it was fun to get rid of things that I no longer need. It was also fun to spend time chatting with a girl friend.
Ran his first 10k last weekend. I know it wasn't this week, but it's his most current new experience. He really enjoyed the run and is already thinking of what he needs to do to shave time off his mile, so that he can do his next race at a faster pace.